Artichoke ( Carciofo) Violetto Precoce DBO21/2
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Violet artichoke from Tuscany. Spineless,thornless medium size artichoke with delicately nutty flavoured, fleshy buds and rich violet colouration. These buds are less iron flavoured than the larger varieties. The edible bits are delicious sliced finely and added to salad leaves, a little dressing and shavings of Parmigiano-Reggiano. Sow under cover in early spring / autumn and transplant, or sow direct into well drained soil. Thin to 80cm spacing. Artichokes are very attractive plants so can be easily incorporated into a non-vegetable garden space.
2.5g approx 70 seeds
Carciofo DBO21/2
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Artichoke (Carciofo) Green Globe DBO 21/9
This is a traditional green globe artichoke which is new to Franchi in 2014. It is as expected quite a large plant that is hardy. The shape is conical. The buds are bigger than the Violetto.
2.5g pkt
Artichoke Green Globe
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Asparagus (Asparago)Argenteuil DBO 5/1
A French heirloom aspagarus developed in the 18th century. It grew around a convent founded by Charlemagne in the 7th century. Argenteuil is synonymous with white asparagus. Produces large 2cm thick silver green/purple spears earlier in the spring than most varieties. Plant seed to produce crowns in the first year and then move to a more permanent position. 1st year leave it but the 2nd year cut half. Can adapt to a wide variety of free draining soils. Needs full to semi-sun. Will produce for 20 years.
2.5g pkt
Asparago Argenteuil DBO5/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Black Tuscan Kale (Cavolo Nero) di Toscana DBO35/7
Kale. A native of Tuscany also known as Black Kale. Franchi Lacinato Nero di Toscana is considered the best quality Kale available by many International chefs. A dark green colour that turns almost black when cooked. . Essential vegetable to make the Florentine National dish Ribollita Toscana. Try pan fried potato and chorizo with cavolo nero . Develops more flavour as it grows so choose leaves about 20cm. Thrives in the cooler temperatures. Tuscan kale is more tender than most kales so use the baby leaves in a salad mix. Direct plant 2-3 seeds every 20cm, and thin to one plant.
8g packet
Cavolo Laciniato DBO35/7
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Broccoli ( Cavolo Broccolo) Ramosa Calabrese DBO25/23
“Sprouting Broccoli from Calabria” is a tender variety with a superior taste, and produces plenty side shoots. Compact med sized head. Sow in seed boxes and transplant or direct sow 50cm apart from summer through to spring. Allow 60 –80 days to pick. Small florets will grow back after harvesting. 7g approx 1200 seeds.
Cavolo Broccolo DBO25/23
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Broccoli Spigariello ( friarielli) Broccoletti DBO 25/26
Friarielli. One of the most sought after,iconic and renowned vegetables of Italy. Fast growing,high quality and depth of flavour. Used traditionally on Pizza in Naples with olives and chilli.When you pick the central flower the plant begins to produce side shoots (spigariello) that have tiny florets. Friarielli is variety of broccoli which is grown also for immature edible leaves.Neopolitans go crazy for this vegetable! 6 gram packet.
Broccoli Spigariello DBO 25/26
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Cabbage (Cavolo Verza) San Michele DBO 33/15
Please note - this cabbage come from an apline region of Italy and requires very cool temps to form a head.
Savoy-type cabbage from a cooler province of northern Italy. Green crinkly tender leaves with some red/purple colour in the centre and a mild sweet flavour. A spectacular- looking plant with a large firm head. The taste improves with the cooler weather. 80-90 days.
8g packet
Cavolo Verza San Michele DBO 33/
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Cardoon ( Cardo) Gobo di Nizza Monferrata DBO22/8
Artichokes on Steroids!
‘Hunchback of Nice’ very popular in Piedmonte where it is usually braised or made into a gratin. Grown for its stems only. The stems resemble rib-liked celery and need to have the fibrous tissue stripped before the stems are prepared for the dish. They have a subtle artichoke - celery like flavour. Sow under cover in early spring; transplant or direct sow into fertile, well-drained soil after the last frost at 80cm spacing. Fleshy large grey leaves and broad stalks makes this a very impressive-looking plant . Easy to germinate. Cardoons are often referred to as artichokes on steroids.
Cardo DBO22/8
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Carrot (Carota) Nantese di Chioggia DBO23/7
A mid-early deep orange heartless Venetian carrot. Medium size root with sweet taste and crisp texture. Plant directly 1cm deep into prepared friable soil, spring to early summer in rows 15-20cm apart. Thin to 8-10cm and keep weed free. 9 g approx 6000 seeds.
Carota DBO23/7
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Carrot (Carota) Chantenay DBO 23/37
Old French heirloom variety famous not so much for its good looks but its pronounced carroty flavour. Medium sized,stubby and bright orange. Good winter carrot sweet and crisp.
9 grams
Carrot(Carota) Chantenay DBO 23/37
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Carrot (Carota) Da Foraggio Jaune Du Doubs DBO 23/40
Dates back to the 16th century. This rustic saffron-yellow French heirloom comes from the town of Doubs in the central East of France. Once used just for forage but then discovered for its culinary quality. A late variety that is a good reliable producer. The long tapered roots have a crisp texture and a lingering sweet flavour. Colour is more pronounced when cooked. Plant directly 1cm deep into prepared friable soil, spring to early summer in rows 15-20cm apart. Thin to 8-10cm and keep weed free.
9 gram packet
Carota Jaune Du Doubs DBO 23/40
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Cauliflower ( Cavolfiore) Romanesco DBO30/51
“The cauliflower of Roma” also called Broccoli Romanesco but Franchi classifies it as a cauliflower. Light lime -green long pointed heads that spiral into a point. It has a sweet nutty taste. Plant in fertile soil in late summer for autumn–winter picking. 4g approx 1000 seeds.
Cavolfiore DBO30/51
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Cauliflower (Cavolfiore) Verde Di Macerata DBO 30/30
A bright lime or apple-green early cauliflower with a compact head from Macerata on the Adriatic coast, known for producing exceptional cauliflowers. Will keep its colour when cooked.Sow Dec-Feb for autumn- winter eating in about 90 days. Good for winter tabbouleh with lots of parsley mint and pomegranate seeds.
Awesome flavour!
4g packet
Cavolfiore Macerata DBO 30/30
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Celeriac(sedano rapa) Bianco del Veneto DBO125/4
A late variety Celeraic and one of the best in Italy( from Venice.) The plant is medium sized with ample leaves that can be used in soup. A knobbly exterior and creamy subtle fiberless white flesh that has as celery-like flavour with added nuttiness. Sow into seed trays 0.5cm deep from early spring until summer then transplant outside after the last frosts and space 15-20cm.Can be slow germination and seedlings for a long time before bulb forms. Worth the wait though. Too much nitrogen in the soil will promote leaf rather than bulb growth.
5g pkt
Celeriac DBO125/4
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Eggplant(Melanzana) Violetta Lunga DBO90/1
The classic Italian eggplant’
Beautiful glossy deep purple hues. Long slightly curved rustic Italian eggplant grown throughout Italy. It is firmer and a little sweeter than other varieties. Use for traditional dishes such as Melanzana alla Parmigiana or warm Moroccan salad with tomatoes and coriander. Good reliable producer in around 70 days. Grow from 8 week old seedlings or direct sow when soil is warm, space 40 to 50 cm apart and provide support. 4g pkt.
Melanzana violetta lunga DBO90/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Leek(Porro)Gigante d'Inverno DBO 107/23
“Winter giant” big and long. This hardy vegetable adds tangy sweetness with even the thinnest slice from the long white stems. Thrives in the cooler months. Sow 1cm deep from spring to early summer, allowing 5 cm between each plant. They are good winter harvesting plants,only needing an air temp of 10c once planted. 6g approx 1500 seeds.
Porro (leek) DBO107/23
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Okra Clemson Spineless DBO 94/51
Okra is also called "ladies fingers" or "gumbo". A darkish vivid green vegetable with slightly grooved straight pointed pods without spines. Plant 2cm in depth in a sunny position from early spring. Ready in around 60 days and do remember to pick when the pods are no longer than 6cm when Okra is at its most tender stage. 10gram pkt
Okra DBO 94/51
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Onion ( Cipolla) Tropea Rosso Lunga DBO43/25
Mid-early variety. Red/pink onions from Tropea in Southern Italy have been famous for centuries. These elongated bulbs with pinkish skin are great for eating raw and also for mkaing onion jam. They will keep for a few months. Direct seed or transplant in spring. Thin to 10cm apart in rows.
4 grams approx 1000 seeds
Cipolla DBO4 3/25
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Onion ( Cipolla) Tropea Rosso Tonda DBO43/22
Mid to late variety. The most famous of all Italian red onions and possibly the highest-quality red onion in Italy. This Calabrian variety is very sweet and ideal for making onion paste and for stuffings. Changes from white when young to red in maturity It stores very well in a shady cool room. Sow in Spring and Autumn. 4g approx 1250 seeds.
Cipolla DBO43/22
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Onion ( Cipolla) Piatta Di Bergamo DBO 43/1
Mid early variety"Flat onion of Bergamo" (Franchi's home) is a small flat cipolla-type reddish brown onion with pinkish- white flesh. An excellent storage onion. Can be used for cooking or really great as small pickles. Grow from transpants or direct sow. 2g pkt
Cipolla Piatta di Bergamo 43/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Onion (Cipolla ) Barletta DBO 42/1
A small white salad onion with a bulb about 2cm in diameter and slightly flat at maturity. Direct sow in spring after last frosts and keep well weeded. The thinnings can be used in salads.
4gram packet
Cipolla Barletta DBo42/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Onion (cipolla) Rossa Lunga Di Firenze DBO42/23
Long torpedo-shaped heirloom onion from Florence that is so regional ts not found in any other part of Tuscany. Sweet flesh with high sugar content. Around 10cm in length.
Direct seed or transplant in spring and keep weed free.Great grilled or eaten raw in salads
4g packet
Rossa Lunga Di FirenzeDBO 42/23
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Onion (Cipollotto) Da Mazzi DBOS42/34
Selezione Speciale. Bunching onions with long slim white stems. The Italians call this a chive but its more like a spring onion. Sow this fast grower from July to December in succession for a longer cropping period. Has excellent flavour.
5g packet
Cipollotto da Mazzi DBOS42/34
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Pumpkin(Zucca) Marina di Chioggia DBO145/2
An heirloom pumpkin from the seaside area of Chioggia ( key-ohj-jah ) near Venice. Abundant turban-shaped medium-large size fruits that are deep blue-green. The deep yellow orange flesh is very sweet but not sugary,the texture creamy smooth. The deep orange flesh is used for pumpkin ravioli and gnocchi in northern Italy . Excellent storer. Franchi have provided us with the BEST tasting pumpkin ever! Plant seeds 2cm deep early spring, in hills. 4g
Zucca Marina Di Chioggia DBO145/2
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Salsify (Scorzonera) Verbeterde Reuzen Nietschieters DBO 122/1
Black salisfy is similar in taste to a subtle flavoured artichoke with a hint of asparagus. You can use the young leaves in salad. A winter vegetable that grows with very long tapering roots at 25cm. Direct sow 2cm deep while soils are still warm for winter or late winter harvesting.
5g packet
Salsify Scorzonera Noire DBO 122/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Spinach (Spinacio) Matador DBO 127/13
This spinach comes very highly recommended by our Franchi colleagues in the U.S. A dark green hardy plant with very smooth leaves. Excellent taste. Ideal for salad leaf mixtures.
14 gram pkt
Spinach(spinacio) DBO 127/13
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Spinach (Spinacio)Merlo Nero DBO127/20
‘Blackbird’ small brilliant green open-pollinated Spinach which is slow to bolt. Ready for picking in around 50 days. Direct sow autumn and spring and pick when leaves are young and tender. Avoid the heat of mid summer. Holds together well when cooked. #spinach and ricotta lasagna 14g approx 1000 seeds.
Spinacio DBO127/20
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Spinach (Tetragonia) NZ SpinachDBO130/1
Native AotearoaNZ bush food. Franchi managed to identify a quality AotearoaNZ producer of this seed and now import and sell to the world.It is often found in the markets of Paris and Provence. A healthy vigorous creeping plant that will thrive in hot weather and produce until autumn.
Suggestion is to soak seeds in cold water for 6-12 hours before sowing
5 gram packet
Spinach NZ( tetragonia) DBO 130/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Zucchini Fiorentino DBO146/52
A long green zucchini and quite deeply ribbed. Fiorentino is a large robust plant and a good producer of firm,fleshy fruits with a great nutty flavour. Lots of flowers for stuffing and remember to pick when quite small to fully appreciate the trademark flavour of this variety.
8g pkt
Zucchino Fiorentino DBO146/52
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Zucchini Romanesco DBO146/11
a foodies favourite.. a good producer of grey/green fruit with characteristic ribs. Excellent creamy,sweet flesh and good texture. Produces many flower blossoms over a long season. This zucchini does not turn watery when big however for best flavour pick when quite small. Stuff flowers with the many options available including fresh ricotta finely chopped spinach and nutmeg.
8 gram pkt
10 g pkt
Zucchino Romanesco DBO146/11
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Zucchino Striato D'Italia DBO 146/2
This is classic tasty striped zucchini. Dark green with light green stripes and small ribbing. A productive bushy plant with med size fruits yielding up to 5 k of fruit per plant. plant 2cm deep after last frosts. Does well in cool weather. Pick when the fruits are no more than10cm to appreciate the full flavour either raw or cooked. Try Zucchini trifolati
8g pkt
Zucchino Striata D' Italia DBO146/2
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Cima Di Rapa (turnip top) Sessantina DBO41/4
60 day Broccoli-type turnip tops which you can harvest in 60 days. Mid-early rustic plant producing lots of tender sprouting florets.The flavour is turnipy with mustard overtones.
60 day ( and 40) Cima di Rapa can be sown every month for five months from around Feb-June.
Ensure you pick before the florets turn yellow and go to seed.
Cima Di Rapa Sessantina DBO41/4
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Cima Di Rapa (turnip top) Quarantina DBO41/2
40 day Broccoli type Turnip tops. A bitter-sweet taste that Italians love. Use in the well-known pasta dish from Puglia, Orecchiette with turnip tops (cime di rapa) and chilli. A small plant 20 to 25cm high, ready in about 40 days. Succession plant for continuous harvest. Pick as heads form as they quickly go to seed. If left too long it will go stringy when cooked. 15g approx 6000 seeds.
Cima Di Rapa( Quarantina) DBO41/2
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Fennel (Finocchio) Montebianco DBO67/17
mid /late variety. 'Mont Blanc' alpine fennel. Large tight head which is tasty and crisp. A vigourous plant that prefers light fertile soil and will run to seed in hot weather, Plant 1.5cm deep 15cm between plants late summer for autumn-winter harvest. 8g approx 1500 seeds.
Finocchio DBO 23/41
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Fennel (Finocchio) Romanesco VXO 62/5
Classic bulb fennel from Rome. Early medium-sized bulb with thick tightly wrapped stalks. Prefers the coolness of autumn but will grow well spring-summer. Around 85 days to harvest. Use the slightly anise-flavoured bulbs by braising or sliced paper thin in a salad or antipasto. Fennel and fish pie is delicious. Please note these seeds are loose not in a foil packet as most Franchi seed is packed.
5 gram packet
Finocchio VXO 62/5
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Kohlrabi (cavolo rapa ) Di Vienna Bianco DBO 32/1
Early white Kohlrabi that has a distinctive mild-flavour reminiscent of celeriac and radish making it a good foil for other flavourings. Green leaves with a bulb of sweet white flesh. The edible part of the plant is the above surface bulb it forms. The swollen stem has an abundance of vitamin c and d . Grow in spring and autumn and pick when small (size of a tennis ball )for best taste. Good grated or cooked quickly. Sow 3 times seed diameter and space 10-20cm in sunny position.
6 grams
Cavolo Rapa Kohlrabi DBO 32/1
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00

Kohlrabi (cavolo rapa) Purple Vienna DBO 32/3
Early purple Kohlrabri is a spherical vegetable with leaf topped stems that protrude from the base bulb that has red skin and tender white flesh. Flavour is similar to broccoli stems celeriac or even radish. The edible part of the plant is the above-surface bulb it forms. Pick when the size of a tennis ball (no larger) A shallow rooted plant that needs regular watering. Plant in full sun. It needs to grow fast to be enjoyed at its best. The bulb can be eaten raw,steamed stir- fried. We love it raw grated into a salad. Kohlrabi chips are delicious.
6 gram packet
Cavolo rapa Kohlrabi DBO 32/3
NZD $8.00
NZD $8.00
Showing 1 to 42 of 42 (1 Pages)